New and Revised Edition
Even the most successful salespeople need strategies that push them to be better every day, especially in difficult markets. Whether you’re just starting out in your sales career, you’re a seasoned vet in search or more strategies, or a member of the top 1% looking to top-grade your abilities, 40 Day Sales Dare for New Home Sales gives you specific, relevant instruction on how to become the Sales Warrior you were born to be.
In his relatable, conversational manner, Jason Forrest serves up his real-world sales wisdom with 40 days of bite-sized lessons, thought-provoking stories, and income-increasing dares. Chart your progress in the journal section and watch your career take off.
It’s relevant. It’s practical. It works. Jason dares you to unleash your career and your income with 40 Day Sales Dare for New Home Sales.
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