• Now You Can Be Confident in Your Next Hire
  • The SPQ/CSI Bundle offers the perfect combination of assessment tools for companies who want to improve their sales hiring and development. The SPQ Assessment is designed to help identify the level of call reluctance a sales representative has to provide the right training and development plan for them. The CSI Assessment is used to accurately predict how your new hire will behave on the job and it determines if an individual’s working styles are aligned with the job requirements and team culture. Together, these assessments provide a comprehensive view of your sales people's make up. The SPQ/CSI Bundle is available for purchase for $300.00. Order today and start improving your sales team's performance!
  • The Only Sales Assessment That Measures All Known Symptoms Of Sales Reluctance

    Discover 3 Key Areas You'll Master With This Sales Assessment 1. Identify Unknown Barriers Measure all known symptoms of sales producer’s reluctance to making sales calls. This questionnaire identifies imposters that can affect sales activity, and can help you identify if your sales team is struggling with unknown barriers. 2. Unlock Hidden Potential Uncover the hidden potential of your salespeople. With this sales assessment, you'll be able to unlock the sales potential of your team, allowing them to thrive and helping your company to succeed. 3. Find The Right Candidates By using this sales assessment, you'll be able to identify the potential candidates who are best-suited to excel in your organization, helping you to hire the right people for the job. SPQ/FSA Features:
    1. Targeted focus on contact initiation — core competency of selling.
    2. Innovative Dudley-Goodson LERA™ Response Format — no guessing what the candidate meant to say.
    3. True Scale™ assessment construction based on state-of-the art psychometric science.
    4. Measures all 16 known types of sales call reluctance.
    5. Measures 7 call reluctance impostors.
    6. Easy-to-read reports.
    7. Numerous Quality Assurance checks to ensure compliance with instructions.
    8. Results confirmable by direct observation.
    9. Credible science — publisher frequently presents at mainstream psych conventions.
    10. Legal compliance.
    Source:  Behavioral Sciences Research Press (BSRP) Studies repeatedly show a systematic link between lower levels of sales activity and higher levels of sales reluctance. How many sales is your team losing to sales reluctance? Don’t be reluctant!


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